Facilities Rental
The Santa Barbara Unified School District offers rental of public school facilities in accordance with the Civic Center Act. Public school facilities are considered a civic center where organizations, clubs, and citizens may meet within the limitations and requirements set by the Board of Education. Entrenched in the culture and history of Santa Barbara, many sites offer theaters, auditoriums, pools, fields, gymnasiums and conference areas available for request.
Facility Use Requests can be submitted online at any time through a Facilitron account. Santa Barbara Unified School District’s board policies on facility use (links located below) continue to dictate the information through the Facilitron website. The district’s administrative staff makes final decisions on all facility use requests.
Facilitron will assist with the set-up of organizations, user accounts, collect payment, and proof of insurance (certificate of insurance) on the District’s behalf. Payment options include major credit cards, checks, ACH/eCheck, and Paypal. Proof of insurance (certificate of insurance) can also be conveniently uploaded into the system.
When planning activities that take place on school property, all non-school individuals/groups, including booster
groups, must submit the “Application And Permit For Civic Center Use Of School Property.” The application can be
obtained online here:
Availability of School Space for Civic Center Use
School principals, or their designee, must determine the availability of site space for community use of school facilities but only the district’s Business Office is authorized to process and approve civic center use of school facilities. There are no exceptions.
All outside agencies are required to have an approved civic center permit prior to using district property. In the case of meetings of parent-teacher associations, school community advisory councils, and foundations, a permit is required. For these groups, the application fee, per Administrative Regulation 1330 (“Use of School Facilities”), is waived. They are classified as a free use user and will be billed only applicable custodial fees. One permit should cover the meetings for one school year. Activities other than meetings require a separate permit. If the activity is a fundraiser, principals must make sure that the fundraiser is "Board Approved" or these groups will be charged the application and user fees. In addition, principals shall advise all site parent-teacher associations, school-community advisory councils, booster groups, and foundations that they are not authorized to approve the use of school facilities to any other group(s).
Questions have come up regarding after-hours use of school grounds. Civic center use permits are required for commercial use of facilities and school grounds, irrespective of classes being in session or not.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prior to agreeing to availability for civic center use of school facilities, site administrators shall ensure that the user is aware of all regulations and restrictions regarding an event (e.g., hours of use, noise considerations, opening and closing of the facility, supervision).
Use of a school facility may NOT begin until the civic center application has been processed through Facilitron and the appropriate fees are paid.
Use of a school kitchen by a school must be submitted on a civic center permit for the purpose of tracking any food services staff overtime and to ensure that the director of food services is aware and approves of the use of the kitchen.
A civic center request applies to the use of a district property. Authorization for civic center use of a school property does not entitle the user to distribute or post fliers on any of the district’s campuses regarding an event/activity conducted on a district property.
For the required review of qualifications under the law, applicable charges, dates and location, the “Application And Permit For Civic Center Use Of School Property” form should be submitted through Facilitron at least two weeks prior to the event. The district’s insurance company requires a Certificate of Insurance naming the Santa Barbara Unified School District as “additional insured.” The Certificate of Insurance, which must be provided with each application, must be in the amount of $1million ($2million if requesting use of any district swimming pool).
User group classifications are divided into three categories:
- free use/custodial costs;
- direct cost use;
- fair rental value use.
The fee schedule for civic center use of school property is subject to change, per board of trustees’ revision of Administrative Regulation 1330. Only the Superintendent or designee can waive fees for which special usage is judged by the Superintendent to advance the educational goals and/or programs of the district for which fees would not be appropriate.
If you need any assistance setting up an account and/or in submitting a facility use request, please contact Facilitron directly at: support@facilitron.com, or by calling them at: 800-272-2962 ext 1. Contact the district’s civic center coordinator at (805) 963-4338, extension 6305, for up-to-date information.
Board Policies/ Administrative Regulations/ Resolutions - Fees and costs are set according to the fee schedule included in Exhibit 1330 Use of School Facilities
- Elementary Schools (parking lot, auditorium, classroom, field)
- Adams Elementary 2701 Las Positas Road, Santa Barbara, 93105
- Adelante Charter School 1102 E. Yanonali Street, Santa Barbara, 93103
- Cleveland Elementary School 123 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, 93103
- Franklin Elementary School 1111 E. Mason Street, Santa Barbara, 93103
- Harding University Partnership School 1625 Robbins Street, Santa Barbara, 93101
- McKinley Elementary School 350 Loma Alta, Santa Barbara, 93109
- Monroe Elementary School 431 Flora Vista Road, Santa Barbara, 93109
- Roosevelt Elementary School 1990 Laguna Street, Santa Barbara, 93105
- Santa Barbara Community Academy 850 Portesuello Avenue, Santa Barbara, 93101
- Washington Elementary School 290 Lighthouse Road, Santa Barbara, 93109
- Junior High Schools (parking lot, theater, classroom, field)
- Goleta Valley Junior High School 6100 Stow Canyon Road, Goleta, CA 93117
- La Colina Junior High School 4025 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, 93110
- La Cumbre Junior High School 2255 Modoc Road, Santa Barbara, 93101
- Santa Barbara Junior High School 721 E. Cota Street, Santa Barbara, 93103
- High Schools (parking lot, theater, classroom, pool, field, stadium, tennis courts)
- Dos Pueblos High School 7266 Alameda Avenue, Goleta, 93117
- San Marcos High School 4750 Hollister Avenue, Santa Barbara, 93110
- Santa Barbara High School 700 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, 93103
Board Policies/ Administrative Regulations/ Resolutions - BP 1330 Use of School Facilities, AR 1330 Use of School Facilities, Exhibit 1330 Use of School Facilities