Board Meetings

Current Agendas, Attachments and Minutes  Board Meeting Videos  Agendas, Attachments and Minutes Prior To August 2021

BoarD GOVERNANCE CALENDARBoard Governance Handbook

Come Join Us

Santa Barbara Unified School District Board of Education closed session meetings will begin at 4:30 p.m. Open session meetings will begin at 6 p.m. instead of 5:30 pm.

This list will be updated as special meetings are added throughout the year and is subject to change.

Upcoming board meetings

Board Meetings Regulations

*Per the Brown Act, all meeting times/dates/agendas are posted on the SBUSD website 72 hours prior to the meeting date.

Per Board ByLaws: Individual speakers are generally allowed three minutes to address the Board on each agenda or non-agenda item. The time may be reduced by the Board president, depending on the number of speakers on any given issue. Speakers should be prepared to adapt their comments accordingly. When a speaker wishes to comment on multiple items, his/her time may be limited so as not to interfere with the timely completion of the Board’s business. 

* Assembly Bill 2449 changes the date on which newly-elected school board members must be seated to the second Friday in December in the year of election. The new law also changes the date of the organizational meeting to on or after the second Friday in December. Finally, the bill changes the date on which governing board members vacate office from the first Friday in December to the second Friday in December.

Board Committees